About Pet Powered Life

picture of founder

Hi, I'm Andy and I started Pet Powered Life to bring more pet powered joy, fun and laughter to the lives of fellow pet lovers.


Our relationships with our pets can be a huge source of personal strength.

For example, it's difficult not to feel good about yourself when you're being welcomed by your ecstatic family dog who’s overwhelmed with the joy of seeing you again.

And there are few experiences so calming as dozing off whilst a trusting cat purrs happily beside you.

Overall, our pets bring a simplicity, honesty and presence which serves as an effective antidote to the complexity, confusion and worries of our human lives.

So our products (current, and future) are designed to add some of that fun loving simplicity to various different parts of our lives.

I sincerely hope our products add joy and fun to your life and to those you meet.

Andy, PPL founder.